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Welcome to the Changelog!
Community Updates
Welcome to the Changelog!
Welcome to the Changelog!

Welcome to the Changelog!

David Draper
David Draper
January 12, 2024

In the past if you wanted to find the most recent community announcements, newsletters, or release notes, you had to go to multiple different places or even be a part of specific on-site groups. Not anymore. From here on out - if we have something to announce, information to share, or stories to tell... we're going to tell them here.

This is your one-stop-shop for all of Experts Exchange's updates going forward.

Before you ask... Yes, we will still be sending the usual monthly newsletter and other key announcements via email. You can rely on your personal inbox to have the important EE news that it's always had.

But for those of you looking for easy access to the same news on-site, you can rely on the Changelog to provide you with the most up-to-date info.