Scott Helmers

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Scott Helmers is Experts Exchange’s primary Visio expert. He is a partner at the Harvard Computing Group (HCG), a software and consulting firm that assists organizations with understanding relevant technologies and making decisions about business applications and processes. He co-invented TaskMapTM, HCG’s Visio add-in that allows anyone to document the important aspects of any business process. Due to his extensive expertise in Microsoft Visio, Microsoft has awarded Scott Most Valuable Professional (MVP) status for Microsoft Visio annually since 2008. He is the author of three books on Visio. Early in his career, he worked in product management and support for Wang Laboratories, one of the leading computer hardware companies during the tech boom of the 1980s.

Scott has worked with clients based in Afghanistan,Egypt, India, Ireland, Jordan, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore,Canada and the United States on projects involving knowledge management, specification of new IT systems, process mapping and redesign, and technology training.

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Scott Helmers

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