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Thierry DEMAN -Barcelo 🇫🇷
Senior System Architect
Windows Server
Active Directory
Microsoft 365
Philip Elder  🇨🇦
Senior Technical Architect
Server Hardware
Windows Server
Member Since 2003
Scripting Languages
Windows Batch
Active Directory
Seth Simmons 🇺🇸
Lead Systems Administrator
Active Directory
Windows Server
Daryl Ponting 🇬🇧
Systems Administrator
Microsoft 365
Active Directory
David Johnson 🇨🇦
Member Since 2004
Active Directory
Windows OS
Windows Server
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Thierry Deman-Barcelo has eyes of an eagle; he was able to spot the error in the configuration. Thank you!
Wow I was not aware of this bug, I have been going crazy digging into this one.  It never popped up in my searching. Thank you.
"Answered my question within minutes of it being posted; gave me an answer that MS Premier Support couldn't give me, instead they had me tinkering with the system for a week to achieve nothing. God bless Experts Exchange! :D"
“Philip's experience and willingness to share his technical prowess have been very helpful for me to decide how to spec out a complex server! He also replies quite quickly which has also been very helpful for me.”

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